Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Classic lansdcape photo

I just like it. Very conservative, but comforting to me. I like the lines and focus. Elk Rapids. Posted by Picasa

Rescued dove

This dove must have been hit by a hawk. There are several around my home. Was flapping hopelessly in snow and let me pick it up. Took it too the animal lady in town, gave it some antibacterial cream after catching it fly around her home. Put some Knox gelatin on the wing as a protective coat and gave it an evening to get its' strength back. The next day, flew off. Made me happy. Posted by Picasa

Chickadees in movement.

 Posted by Picasa

I live with chickens.

The stigma of chickens being an average animal has no place in my home. Stare into her eyes. If she could, she would eat you. What a primative, primordial face. Posted by Picasa

Facing North, North of Elk Rapids

Just a nice shot. Posted by Picasa

Stony beach bxw gradient

This is my first day with Picasa. Marvelous tool! Using basic effects, I like the outcome. Posted by Picasa

Chicken feather

I love to lose myself in the lines in feathers, hair, bark. Whatever has tight complexity that is part of the larger stucture turns me on. Posted by Picasa

Moonlit shot painted with flashlight.

30 sec exposure with a little bit of 'painting' with my L.E.D. flashlight. Posted by Picasa

Moonlit shot facing south towards Traverse City

You can see a faint orange glow on the right.  Posted by Picasa

Moonlit apple & cherry orchard

Another 30 sec exposure. This was the last shot my camera could take before the battery gave way. At temperatures above 50F degrees my battery will be able to do over 300 shots. That night that I froze my ass off, I barely made 50. I was wearing shorts that evening for comfort. Trudging through the snow as is kicked up from my heels and coverd my calves was unpleasant to say the least. I was so excited to shoot the orchard that nothing mattered while I was shooting. The way home, my elation subsided and pain set in. Posted by Picasa

Home in full moon at midnight.

I got home from a trip to Beaver Island and the next night it was a full moon with a fresh blanket of snow. Just stunning. This is a 30 sec exposure with the aperature wide open. This image is untouched as most of the photos I post. Even from sharpening, color boost, contrast. This is straight from program mode letting the camera choose the EV. I was, and still am blown away. Just beautiful. Posted by Picasa

Big sky in fall

Not much to say, just like the shot. Posted by Picasa

Tree in fall

What a beautiful tree. I need to expand my vocabulary of asthetic appreciation. Posted by Picasa

Apple peelings texture.

My mom and aunt has passed the love of texture to me. I love mixes of shapes, colors, and contrast. I make apple crisp all the time although I've been lax of late. Posted by Picasa


This is my first blog. I assume this is going out to the general public, but I don't know. I just want an outlet for my photographs that I can share.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Dude and Sunset

Saturday, Nov 26 One of the most brilliant sunsets I have ever seen. Covered almost half the sky. Posted by Picasa